City Of Mercy

Children’s Home


Migowi, Malawi

The story

on Feb 5th, 1997, McMore Salima and Chris Scarinzi met for the first time in Malawi, Africa. At that time, McMore was living with his family in a hut with dirt floors. He and his wife, Promise, were also providing a home for 3 orphans.

Chris and UWC began sending monthly support, and soon McMore was able to begin building a children’s home.

the vision

McMore’s vision was never to have just another orphanage. He wanted a facility where children could truly find a home and kingdom family. He is passionate about every child that comes to City Of Mercy knowing and understanding that they are no longer orphans, they are sons and daughters of the most high God, a loving Father.

the mission

So much has been accomplished, but there is so much further to go. McMore has a dream and an assignment from God to create a state-of-the-art facility for children that will jumpstart their futures like never before. There are dangerous situations and risks at every turn, and time is of the essence. Our prayers, our support and our dollars can go so far in Malawi.

urgent Projects


We are so happy to report that the below projects have been FULLY FUNDED! You can see an update post with video footage here.

There is so much more work to be done; please continue to give as you are led. All contributions go directly to City of Mercy and we maintain full transparency about the work being accomplished.


1. Fortify the Wall

The children’s safety is of paramount importance, therefore this situation is deeply concerning. There is a wall completely surrounding the children’s home, but unfortunately, it is not enough to keep the children safe. Child trafficking is a huge problem in Malawi, with traffickers climbing over the walls and waiting until the children go outside at night to use the bathroom, and then taking them. Because of this, the children are not presently able to stay overnight at the children’s home, until the walls are able to be fortified according to government mandate.


The current brick & mortar fence needs to have 6 more rows of brick added to its height. After that, a roll of razor wire will be installed along the top to prevent any intruders from being able to climb over.





* Any excess funds received will roll over to the next project. All funds designated toward City Of Mercy Children’s Home will be used 100% to fund the Home.



The children’s bathrooms are currently…not. They go to the bathroom in holes in the ground.
As well as being incomprehensible to the average American, this is obviously unsanitary and, per the above description of kidnapping, extremely unsafe.


Plumbing has already been installed in the building. The home needs toilets, and they also need pipes to be run to the septic tanks.





* Any excess funds received will roll over to the next project. All funds designated toward City Of Mercy Children’s Home will be used 100% to fund the Home.



It’s an extremely difficult thing to get electricity in Migowi. The nearest electrical supply to connect to is miles away. But that’s not stopping us!


Electrical wiring has already been run throughout the building, it just needs somewhere to connect. The best source for this at present is to obtain solar panels & batteries.





* Any excess funds received will roll over to the next project. All funds designated toward City Of Mercy Children’s Home will be used 100% to fund the Home.