Reformation Life Ministries

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Helping you get on track
to get on with your life

Reformation Life Ministries seeks to equip you with the necessary tools and ministers to help you re-enter society; interface with a family member who is currently in prison; strengthen the bond between children and their parents who are currently in prison; create a personalized pipeline for your success; and more. We understand that this time of your life is difficult, but we want to encourage and strengthen your spirit to break the cycle of brokenness you have been experiencing. There are many men and women who struggle with distress, loneliness, sorrow, and feelings of isolation. We have a powerful team of ministers ready to mentor you, and shed light on your situation. There is hope for you.

The resources provided on this site, free of charge, include:

  1. A list of mentors that you can interface and coordinate with

  2. Job resources for those re-entering society

  3. How to keep in close and vital contact with your family

  4. Guidance on how to make a difference, now that a difference has been made in you

  5. Community re-entrance information (how can you be you without the labels you have been freed from around your friends and family?)