Chris Scarinzi is the founder and Apostolic Leader of United With Christ International, overseeing and guiding hundreds of UWC churches and ministries across the East Coast & Africa. He has worked tirelessly for more than 30 years to build the revelation of sonship and our identity in Christ into spiritual sons and daughters across the globe. He aims to strengthen churches by fathering and supporting leaders. He brings passionate and in-depth teaching as he ministers the Word and mines the scripture for revelatory truth.
Margie is a spiritual mother in the faith, the co-founder of UWC and has graciously served the body with joy and long-suffering for 30+ years. She is a preacher, counselor, play-write, absolute comedian, grandmother and wise leader. Her ministry is characterized by wisdom, stronghold-breaking power, lighthearted, burden-lifting joy, and supernatural grace from heaven.
The Scarinzis started their ministry in 1987, when they planted a small home church because of an audible word from the Lord. Without a paycheck and without the support of spiritual mothers and fathers, they charged forward by faith. During this season of lacking a father in the faith, the voice of God came to Chris and said, “I want you to become what you needed.” This word became the inspiration for launching an apostolic fathering network to offer support to ministers, ministries, and churches.
Today, Chris and Marge and their team have established a network of churches and ministries. The vision of United with Christ International is to empower pastors, local churches and leaders to build a global expression of kingdom culture. Through revelatory teaching from scripture, intimacy with the Father God and transformational relationships, this network will activate your leadership potential and support your God-given mission.
“What people believe is holding them back from the truth”